Friday, May 8, 2009


Paths that lead to nowhere and everywhere.
A tiger runs down with quiet feet,
my son walks slowly, ponderously.

Be with me, for a moment, part of my world.

Dead stalks slowly become green again,
Dry heat, wet droplets, daffodil perfume,
invite me to travel down the path, no guide.

I fall up through the blue clouds.
I am alone and joined,
to the flowers, the dirt, the air,
yet still and alone my heart breaks free.

Only I wander through these paths,
watching my son, the tiger, my life.

4 comments: said...

Let me know what you think. It's not for a project or anything. Thanks:)

Virginiapetal said...

Wow. I love the imagery. It's so incredibly melancholy despite all the estethic qualities. One thing: Why a tiger? He doesn't come across as a tiger.
Anne, I love this poem. Really great. Hearbreaking. Lonely. Perfect! said...

Cute preg-o picture, Amy.

It was a tiger because this was part of an exercise I did in class that suggested using an animal that didn't fit in with the scenery and it really works with my son, metaphorically.

It's not too melancholy, is it? I was trying to go for a more modernist vibe.

Rachel said...

You've got too much rhythm for modernism... but that's a good thing. It soaks you in the image, and I love that. I love the relationship within the poem.