Monday, May 4, 2009


I am the only woman for you
deep at the very core of you
your heart pumps the essence
of me through your body, into
your fingertips, through
my skin and back to me.

You're the only man for me.
I cannot separate you from me.
The essence of you bleeds from
me, curling and yearning
for a taste. Craving,
throbbing, through

my throat to my tongue
into your mouth, to your heart.


Trulee said...

There you are Ann! I wondered if you'd lost yourself in the anger and sand. I found you in the middle of it all!

Virginiapetal said...

I am so turned on now.

Rachel said...

This is SO onanistic! Nice job... said...

Thanks, Rachel. I have learned a new word for self-gratification. Awesome!!:)