Thursday, November 12, 2009

I inhale
long and deep
Tasting every subtle sinew
Sizzling fats, veins
Snapping bursts of flames;
Panting dragon
Into my soul
Finger the delicate secrets
The sensuous arcs
and pulsing agile shadows
Expertly darting through your fingers
Like silver guppies
I pause



K-Ry said...

You always create the most unique and amazing imagery. I'm jealous. Dragons, guppies, fats, arcs, shadows. It's so fantastic! Both of our poems describe the penetration another can have on your mind and soul. Yours seems to describe a memory of an actual connection. My poem is the invention of a connection that was never made.
But I could be way off.

Trulee said...

You and Kiramey really outdid yourselves. I love the image of the dragon entering your soul. So powerful. And then, of course, the ending--"Implode/Exhale." MAN!!